Products Overview

Adding a Formula


Adding a Formula

A formula is a specific list of ingredients and packaging for producing a particular product. To create a new formula, select the Formulas module under Products from the horizontal menu.

Click the + Add button in the top right corner.

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Add Formula Identifiers & Details

  • First, add a Formula Name and a Product Number to help you easily identify it later. Type a formula name into the Formula Name text box, and assign it a number by entering it into the Product Number field.
  • Select the customer that the formula is for by clicking into the Customers field. This action opens a sidebar where you can select an existing customer from the list, or add a new customer by clicking the + Customer button.
  • The Date field will auto-populate with the current date. If you want to change it, just click into the Date field and select the desired date from the calendar date picker.
  • Next, choose the product that the formula is used to produce by clicking into the Produces field. This action opens a sidebar where you can select an existing product from the list. Choose the desired product, then click the Add button.
  • Indicate the type of product the formula produces by clicking Type, then selecting an option from the dropdown list.
  • Enter any additional notes about the formula into the Notes text field.
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Add Materials

  • Next, you can add all of the materials and components needed to manufacture the product by adding them to the Bill of Materials (BoM).
  • Click the + Add Material button to add the first material. This action will generate a row under the Bill of Materials. Click the Select a SKU button from the column labeled Code. This opens a sidebar where you can select any Raw Materials, Capsules, Packaging, Labels, Products or Assets needed to produce the product. Select the desired item, then click the Add button.
    • If the material you need hasn't been added yet, add it to the catalog by clicking the + SKU button.
  • The material will now be listed in the table under the Bill of Materials. Add the material weight by entering a value into the text field in the Material Weight column. Select the base unit of measure for the weight of the material by clicking Unit and then choosing an option from the dropdown.
  • To make sure you set up the formula correctly for the batch size you want to produce, click the Calculator icon next to Bill of Materials. This opens a pop-up window containing the Batch Size Calculator.
    • Enter the Batch Size and Capsules per Bottle in the respective fields. This will automatically update the sections below to display exactly how much of each ingredient is needed to produce the desired batch amount. You can then compare these values to those that you entered, and adjust if necessary.
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Add Capsule Information

*The capsules section is not included for Food & Beverage industry users.

  • In the Capsules section, you can add all of the specific details about Capsules, including Serving Size, Capsule Size, Capsule Color, Capsule Type, and Capsule Weight (in milligrams).
  • You can also set percentages for the acceptable amount of variation from the labeled amount.
    • This tool helps in abiding by Maximum Allowable Variation (MAV) standards as outlined by the USDA. The percentages are preset to 10% of the labeled quantity, since this is the premissable lower limit for individual weights for products less than 85 grams or 3 ounces, as per the USDA. You can adjust these percentages to meet specific product requirements.
  • Once you update these percentages in the Variation, Min % and Variation, Max % text fields, the Variation, Min and Variation, Max fill weights (in milligrams) will automatically update to match.
  • These variation allowances will also update in the Weight Range section below that, displaying the minimum fill weight, the target weight, and the maximum acceptable weight.
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Once all specifications have been added to the formula, click the Save button. QC will also have the option to approve the formula by clicking the Approve button.