Choose Settings from the main navigation, then select Automations from the left side navigation panel.
Change the status options that are displayed in the Production module by clicking the checkbox next to any of the status options. If the checkbox shows blue with a white checkmark, the status option will display. Click the checkbox again to deselect the status option, removing it from the auto-select status options in the Production module.
Click the Save button to save changes.
Choose the default display option for finished products. Click the box labeled Default Inventory Status, the select the desired option from the dropdown.
Click the Save button to save changes.
Use the options in this section to update options and requirements within the Formulas module.
Change the default percentages used for the Lower and Upper Limit for capsule weight range requirements by entering the desired percentages in the respective fields.
To determine the target weight of a product with an average of the weight ranges, click the toggle to switch it to the On position. This will update the Formulas module to automatically calculate and include the target weight as an average of the weight ranges.
To display the Formula Ratio as a percentage in the Formulas module, click the toggle to switch it to the On position.
To only allow for the selection of locked formulas when a formula is selected in the Sales Order module, click the toggle to switch it to the On position.
To require a step for customer approval of formulations, click the toggle to switch it to the On position. This will add a required step in the Formulas module for Customer Approval.
Click the Save button to save changes.