Documents Overview

Managing Records


The Records module is your digital filing cabinet within ezGMP. The files stored here cannot be deleted.


To view historical and active MMRs, go to Documents > Records > MMRs.

Search, Sort & Filter

To search for an MMR, enter any information about the MMR into the Search bar in the top right. This will perform a deep search of all MMRs. If this search returns too many results, try adding column-specific searches in the table below.

Search for an MMR record by MMR #, Name, SKU, Product #, or Date by clicking the Search icon next to the respective column heading.

To show column data in ascending or descending order, click the Sort icon to the right of the column heading.


To view an MMR, click the PDF icon under the View column. This will open the MMR document as a PDF in a separate window.

To view attachments that were included with the MMR, click the View Attachment(s) button under the Attachments column. To add additional attachments, click the Upload button.

To view the audit log, click the down arrow in the Actions column, then click View Audit Log. Click the PDF button in the window that appears to view the Audit Trail document.

Production Records

To view historical production records, go to Documents > Records > Production Records.

Search, Sort & Filter

To search for a record, enter any information about the product into the Search bar in the top right. Data from all of the lots used to make the products will be included in the search.

Good input examples include: 

  • Vendor Part # 
  • Lot# / Batch# 
  • Receive notes
  • Unique ID
  • Item Name

If this search returns too many results, try adding column-specific searches in the table below.

Search for a record by ID, Batch #, Statement Name, Product #, SKU, Lot, Production Start Date, or Expire Date by clicking the Search icon next to the respective column heading.

To show column data in ascending or descending order, click the Sort icon to the right of the column heading.

View Documents

Under the Attachment column, view the Master Batch Record document as a PDF in a new tab by clicking View MBR. View the Audit Trail as a PDF in a new tab by clicking View Audit Log. View the Certificate of Composition as a PDF in a new tab by clicking View CoC. To upload QC Check documents, click QC Upload.

To add additional attachments, click the Upload button in the Upload File column.

Archived Inventory

To view archived inventory, go to Documents > Records > Archived Inventory.

Search, Sort & Filter

To search for archived inventory, enter any information about the inventory into the Search bar in the top right. This will perform a deep search of all inventory.

If this search returns too many results, try adding column-specific searches in the table below.

Search for inventory by ID, Unique ID, SKU, Name, Batch ID, Vendor Part #, Lot#/Batch#, or Receive Notes by clicking the Search icon next to the respective column heading.

To show column data in ascending or descending order, click the Sort icon to the right of the column heading.

Add & View Documents

Archived Inventory Details

To view the Archived Inventory Details as a PDF in a new tab, click the PDF button in the Product Info column.


Under the Attachments column, click the Add/View button to see any existing uploads, and to add new attachments. If any attachments have already been uploaded, a File icon with the file name will appear under the respective attachment category. To view it, hover over the card, then click on the Eye icon. This will open the attachment in a new tab.

Audit Trail

To view the Audit Trail, click the down arrow under the Actions column, then click View Audit Log. This opens a window that shows all changes. Click the arrow next to Details on any card to view the change details. Alternatively, click the PDF button in the top right corner to view the Audit Trail document as a PDF in a new tab.


To view shipping records, go to Documents > Records > Shipments.

Search, Sort & Filter

To search for shipments, enter any information about the shipment into the Search bar in the top right. This will perform a deep search of all historical shipments. Data from all of the lots used to make the shipped products will be considered in the search.

Good input examples include:

  • Vendor Part #
  • Lot# / Batch#
  • Receive notes
  • Unique ID
  • Item Name
  • Shipment Date: mm/dd/yyyy

If this search returns too many results, try adding column-specific searches in the table below.

Search for inventory by Recipient Name, Customer PO#, Shipment Created Date, Order Shipped Date, or Estimated Ship Date by clicking the Search icon next to the respective column heading.

To show column data in ascending or descending order, click the Sort icon to the right of the column heading.


Batch Details

To view batch details for a particular shipment, click the + icon in the far left row next to the Recipient name.

Shipping Records

To view a shipping record document as a PDF in a new tab, click the PDF button in the Shipping Record column.


Under the Attachments column, click the Add/View button to see any existing uploads, and to add new attachments. If any attachments have already been uploaded, a File icon with the file name will appear under the respective attachment category. To view it, hover over the card, then click on the Eye icon. This will open the attachment in a new tab.

Audit Trail

To view the Audit Trail, click the down arrow under the Actions column, then click View Audit Log. This opens a window that shows all changes. Click the arrow next to Details on any card to view the change details. Alternatively, click the PDF button in the top right corner to view the Audit Trail document as a PDF in a new tab.