Supply Chain
Supply Chain Overview

Managing Suppliers


Managing Suppliers

To manage existing suppliers, select the Suppliers module under Supply Chain from the horizontal menu. From this view, you can see a complete list of all your suppliers.

Searching & Sorting

To search for a supplier, click the Search icon in the Supplier Name column, or search for a supplier by their email address by clicking the Search icon in the Email column.

To show supplier names alphabetically in ascending or descending order, click the Sort icon to the right of the Supplier Name column heading.

To show Suppliers per SKU, toggle the Show Suppliers per SKU button in the upper right corner. This will display SKU #, Material Name, Type, and # of Suppliers for each SKU. Click the + icon next to the left of a SKU # to show the supplier details.

Supplier SKUs

Click the + icon next to the left of a Supplier Name to show a list of SKUs provided by that supplier.

  • To attribute another SKU to that supplier, click the Add Another SKU button. Select the desired SKU from the list.
    • Search for a SKU by clicking the Search icon in the SKU column. Alternatively, search by material name by clicking the Search icon in the Name column.
  • With the desired SKU selected, click the Select SKU button. The SKU will now appear in the list under the designated supplier.
  • Add the Cost per Unit and Minimum Order Quantity to a SKU by entering the values into the respective fields, then click the Apply button.
  • To remove a SKU from a supplier, click the X button in the Remove column.
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Supplier Records

To modify or remove a supplier record, click the down arrow under the Actions column, then select Edit or Archive.

Add or View supplier verification documents by clicking the Add/View button under the Supplier Verification column.