Production Overview

Managing Production


Managing Production

To manage batches in production, select the Production module under Production from the horizontal menu. From this view, you can see a complete list of all batches in production.

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To quickly filter through batches in production, use the options across the top of the page.

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The quick filter options are: Starting Today: Filter by batches that are scheduled to start production today. Awaiting Allocation: Filter by batches that are waiting to be allocated. Due This Week: Filter by batches that are due this week. Due Next Week: Filter by batches that are due next week. Needs Review: Filter by batches that need review. Late: Filter by batches that are behind schedule.

Searching & Sorting

You can search for a specific batch by ID, SO #, Batch #, Name, Inventory, Start Date, or Current Step by clicking the Search icon next to the respective column headings.

You can also sort by ID, Batch #, Name, Start Date, or Current Step by clicking the Sort icon next to the respective column headings. This will put the column data in ascending order. To switch to descending order, click the Sort icon again. To cancel sorting, click the Sort icon again.

Column Functions

Some columns contain static identifying information, while others include action options.


The inventory column includes the SKU of the product in production. The SKU is linked to the Inventory module; clicking on the SKU will take you to the SKU record in the Inventory module.

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The inventory column also includes a Label button. Click this button to display the label for the product, which includes the product name, SKU, Unique ID, Best by/Expiration Date, and its unique QR code.

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Click the Download button to download a PDF of the label. Click Print to print the label. Click Details to open a new window that displays additional information about the product's production, including details about the order, receiving, current status, and location.


The Start column includes the production start date, production process updates, inventory allocation notices, and the pick list.

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Hover over the person icon to see who has claimed the current step in the production process, as well as the date and time when they claimed it.

If there is sufficient allocated inventory to produce the product, a green checkmark icon will display. If in-stock inventory is not sufficient to complete the batch, and/or if allocations are not sufficient to complete batch, a red warning icon will display. Hover over the icon to see whether stock and/or allocations are insufficient.

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Click the Pick List button to open a PDF of the pick list in a separate window.

Current Step

This column shows the current step that the batch is in, per the MMR instructions. It displays the step name and number out of the full instruction count.


In the Quality column, click the Add/View button to view any existing QC check documents, or to upload a new one.

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From the Quality column, you can also add a new Quality Event. Click the Quality Event button, then choose Deviations or Non-Conformance from the dropdown to begin documenting the event.

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The Actions column includes the following options:

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View: Click the View button to view the Master Batch Record for the product being produced.

Set Status: Click the Set Status button to update the production status. Clicking this button will open a window with status options to choose from. Choose the appropriate status from the list, then click the Add button.

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Continue Planning: Click the Continue Planning button to open the Master Batch Record, where you can select the necessary ingredients from inventory and allocate them to the production record.

Document Production: If planning for the batch is already complete, the Continue Planning button will be replaced with a button labeled Document Production. Click this button to open the MMR at the current stage of production, to then continue through the production steps.

๏ปฟClaim: In the Actions column, click the down arrow, then click Claim to claim the current step in the production process. Once you've claimed the step, your name will display when a user hovers over the person icon in the Start column, so all users know that you are working on the current step.This will also lock the record to prevent other users from editing it until you release it.

Release: In the Actions column, click the down arrow, then click Release once you have completed the step. This will release production and unlock the record so that the next step can commence.

View Audit Log: In the Actions column, click the down arrow, then click View Audit Log to see the audit trail of all actions taken related to the record. This pop-out window includes a PDF buttonโ€”click this button to open a PDF version of the audit log.

Delete: In the Actions column, click the down arrow, then click Delete to delete a production record. You will be asked to confirm that you want to permanently delete the record before it is deleted, as the output inventory item will also be deleted, and will not appear in archived inventory.