
Managing Sales Orders


Managing Sales Orders

Here is an overview of all the basic operations you can perform with your sales orders.

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Status of a Sales Order

The Status of a sales order indicates the stage of progress and the current condition of the order. Statuses are organized by groups, called Status Groups. Below, you can find what each status group contains.

New Sales Order

New Sales Order: The customer's order has been received and entered into ezGMP.

Formulating: The product formula is being developed and resources are being allocated.

Quoting: The cost estimation, pricing details, and terms are being provided to the customer.

Sampling: Product samples are being produced for the customer to review before full-scale production.

Awaiting Customer Approval: The customer is reviewing the sample or other details.

Invoice Sent/Awaiting Payment: The invoice for the finalized order has been sent to the customer.


Ready to Order Materials: The customer has paid for the order, and all necessary preparations have been made to proceed with ordering the required materials.

Materials Ordered: The materials needed for production have been officially requested and are in the process of being acquired.

Ready to Produce: All necessary materials are on hand, and the production process can commence.

Production Cycle

In Production: The product is being produced.

Awaiting QC Approval: After production, the products are awaiting quality control inspection to ensure they meet specified standards.

QC Approved: The products have passed quality control checks and are approved for fulfillment.


Ready to Ship: Products are prepared and ready for shipment.

Prepare Shipment: The product can be packaged and shipped.